Tuesday, December 26, 2006

We met William, Judy and Stephanie for Chili Crab and Durian in Ang Moh Kio the other day. Zhanar is shown here eating durian with Stepahnie, Rebecca and Dina. Dina didn't seem too interested in Durian. Posted by Picasa

I competed in a dodgeball tournament over Thanksgiving. It rocked, even though we didn't totally kick everyone else's ass. We did alright thanks in part to the intimidation factor caused by my rugged headband and tough glasses. Posted by Picasa

Zhanar and dina pose by a classic old door on club street. Posted by Picasa

On sentosa island they have some giant fruit here and there. It's heavy and delicious. Posted by Picasa

From Cro Magnon with a rock to Keithus Randalus witha cell phone, we've come a long way. Keith, my old pal from high school, came to visit us with his wife Katie and their son Alex "Danger" Randall. We had a good time hanging out around Singapore and seeing all the tourist sights. Posted by Picasa